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Flu Review - The Comeback by Ella Berman

Flu Review - The Comeback by Ella Berman


The Comeback, by Ella Berman will pull you in with its effortless writing and tangible characters.

It tells the story of Grace, a movie star from a young age, but at a terrible cost. The Comeback examines the trauma of Grace’s teen years, being the muse of Able, her director and supposed protector, and her fight to find healing afterwards.

Berman is fantastic at taking the reader inside Grace's mind. You can feel her guilt and shame; it’s expressed in a way that feels so raw. Grace's struggle to heal is so palpable that she feels like a real person, not just a made up character. Berman has fleshed her out so well; the reader will think that Grace is their sister or friend.

It is astounding that The Comeback is the first book by Ella Berman!  Her writing style is so on point; it seems like she is a seasoned author. Keep this author on your radar!

By Michelle

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